Future of Fixed Anchors Conference 2022

SLCA Attends the Access Fund’s Future of Fixed Anchors Conference 2022

On June 25th, 2022 the Salt Lake Climbers Alliance was guest presenters at the Access Fund’s 3rd Future of Fixed Anchors Conference.

Our presentation took a deep dive into the SLCA’s paid crew anchor maintenance model, the enhanced safety standards and quality control within our efforts here in the greater Wasatch region.  A main focus of this presentation was to help to push standards and best practices within this space rebolting and route maintenance.  

The Access Fund brought together many individuals to discuss the future of fixed anchors from a policy and legal lens.  This helps Local Climbing Organizations (LCO) understand the legal landscape and the potential challenges to come.   

Since the first Fixed Anchors Conference, LCO’s have been pushing the standards, quality and policy within this space.  Though we have made many leaps and bounds within the last 15 years, there is still a lot of work to be done.  Joining together with others working on this issue from across the country is valuable to ensure the climbing community continues to move forward with stewarding the vertical world. Thank you Access Fund for creating this space!

To read more about our Professional Anchor Maintenance Crew or to donate to our rebolting efforts visit the link >>> The SLCA’s Fixed Anchor Program

Julia Geisler