Respect the First Ascensionists

In light of recent events on Outside Corner and Stuarts Ride (photos), the SLCA would like to reiterate its position regarding establishing new routes and respecting first ascensionists written by a SLCA Board Member of the past that still holds true today. “Historically, Salt Lake climbers have been guided by a code of ethics, passed on from climber to climber. The result is a rich, colorful climbing experience that embraces changes in the sport and celebrates the local history. We’ve been fortunate to have avoided many of the bolting wars and other conflicts that have plagued other climbing areas. For this to continue, we need to respect local traditions, our fellow climbers and the service first ascensionists provide to the community.

The SLCA believes that new routes add to our climbing opportunities. As such, we support first ascensionists and the work they do, when done conscientiously, while minimizing impact and following land regulations. New routes as well as additions to existing routes should respect the character of the particular area and the generally agreed-upon ethics of the local climbing community. Historical precedent is an important guide and should be respected.”