Both of UDOT’s Preferred Alternatives will have unacceptable impacts to climbing resources

September 3, 2021

Utah Department of Transportation (UDOT)

Little Cottonwood Canyon (LCC) 

Draft Environmental Impact Statement (DEIS)

RE:    Little Cottonwood Canyon Draft Environmental Impact Statement 

Salt Lake Climbers Alliance (SLCA) Comments

Dear UDOT Project Team:

The SLCA appreciates the opportunity to comment on this DEIS. UDOT and the Forest Service need to conduct much more analysis on the impacts to recreational resources along S.R. 210 in order to satisfy their respective NEPA obligations. The SLCA’s focus in this letter is related to climbing resources; however, inadequate consideration is also given to other forms of recreational resources that will be severely impacted. The current DEIS fails to take a hard look at these impacts. 

There are much less impactful solutions to adequately address the transportation problem UDOT aims to address in the DEIS. The SLCA strongly encourages that a new, less impactful alternative be identified as part of this NEPA process and that the two Preferred Alternatives be eliminated from further consideration due to the adverse impacts to 4(f) climbing resources.

Both of UDOT’s Preferred Alternatives will have unacceptable impacts to climbing resources, including the elimination of boulders, parking, and trails, as well as significant impacts to the overall climbing experience.

Photos by Jeremiah Watt

Julia Geisler