SLCA's Comments on the Central Wasatch National Conservation and Recreation Area Act Draft Legislation
Central Wasatch National Conservation and Recreation Area Act Draft Legislation
“In it’s most current form, the CWNCRA is a locally driven, consensus-based bill aimed at protecting the sources of our drinking water, preserving recreational opportunities for the future, and ensuring enjoyment of the Central Wasatch Mountains in the face of pressures from a growing population.” Central Wasatch Commission.
Public comments are being collected by the CWC until December 5th, 2020. As climbers, your voice needs to be heard. Please submit your individual comments and check out what the SLCA submitted below to advocate for the protection of the climbing resource.
Central Wasatch Commission
RE: Salt Lake Climbers Alliance’s Comments on 10/27/20 Draft of the Central Wasatch National Conservation and Recreation Area Act (CWNCRAA) Legislation
November 25th, 2020
Central Wasatch Commission:
The Salt Lake Climbers Alliance (SLCA) provides these comments in response to the Central Wasatch Commission’s (CWC) 10/27/20 Draft of the Central Wasatch National Conservation and Recreation Area Act (CWNCRAA).
The SLCA remains in support of the forest-wide management approach that a Conservation and Recreation Area will afford the Wasatch. However, we regret that the most recent CWNCRAA draft fails to reflect or incorporate the SLCA’s comments on the prior CWNCRAA draft, as well as the CWC’s Mountain Transportation System Proposal. You can find these comments here:
Established and valued climbing resources exist throughout the Recreation and Conservation Area, as shown in the enclosed map (below). The map’s climbing area overlay illustrates the significant amount of Recreation and Conservation Area climbing resources. When combined with the historical importance of these resources and their rapidly growing popularity, it is imperative to incorporate specific legislative language that ensures the preservation of Wasatch climbing. We again ask that at least one of the following is added to this legislation.
Line 157 add the following language shown in underline. “(D) promote public safety, including through avalanche control and maintenance of fixed anchors for climbing.” or;
Line 278 add new subsection (m) FIXED ANCHOR MAINTENANCE. —The Secretary may allow the maintenance (including replacement) of fixed anchors for climbing within the Conservation and Recreation Area to protect public health and property in accordance with the management plan and applicable law (including regulations). or;
Given the legislative title, it would seem more language should be added to better describe the recreational opportunities in the proposed designation. Specifically, climbing should be expressly called out as a recreational opportunity within the Recreation and Conservation Area. For reference, skiing is mentioned 13 times in the drafted bill and climbing zero.
The CWC's proposal for a CWNCRAA will be strengthened when it is more inclusive of the different types of recreation that take place within the proposed boundaries. Rock- and/or ice-climbing take place throughout the year and are noted for their growing participation and specific management needs that are distinct from those of skiing. We are concerned by the explicit regard for skier safety and the relative absence of concern for the safety of other outdoor recreationists. Whereas skiers require avalanche control and mitigation, climbers require updated hardware and sustainable infrastructure including restrooms, parking, public transit options, and climbing access trails.
Finally, we note that the SLCA is still in the process of working on a forest-wide Climbing Management Plan (CMP) with the U.S. Forest Service, which will have management implications for the climbing resources within the CWNRCA. Clear acknowledgement of climbing as a notable and preservation-worthy recreational activity by CWNRCA legislation would ensure greater consistency in the area’s overlapping management policies and more effective management for the purposes of both conservation and recreation under the CWNRCA.
The SLCA appreciates the opportunity to comment on this Draft and of course welcomes the opportunity to discuss any of the comments raised in this letter with the CWC staff. We continue to serve as a Stakeholder in the CWC process.
Julia Geisler
Executive Director, Salt Lake Climbers Alliance
Nate Furman
Board Member, CWC Stakeholder Committee Representative, Salt Lake Climbers Alliance
David Carter
Board Member, Policy Committee Chair, Salt Lake Climbers Alliance
Photo by Jon Vickers